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World's only Coach Certification Program


Where you are 1st practically coached for six month then evaluated and certified to become an universally certified chartered coach (ACC, PCC, MCC)

with assured result from the 1st day of the program or no fees will be charged.

After completion of your certification we provide you the opportunity to coach new people for six month while doing your next level to have practical coaching experience and 

Finally we will launch you as a professional coach in market in the are of your specialization.

"Coaching to Launching"
Five step coach certification program structure

Step - 01

You will be practically coached for 250 hours on our coaching framework & tool

Step - 02

Will get evaluated to ensure your coaching capability to become a professional coach

Step - 03

You will be certified to become a chartered coach


Step - 04

UCF will provide you the opportunity to coach atleast 4 to 5 people for six month

Step - 05

UCF will launch you as a professioanl coach in market to create your future coaching career

Four levels of coach certification programs
to serve diverse level of people
around the world

At UCF we provide four levels of universally acccepted coach certification program to serve different experience level of the people in general and corporates in this world. (ACC, PCC, MCC & IMCC)

We do not need your prior credential & experience of coaching & training from people who want to become a certified UCF chartered coach.


Associate Chartered Coach


A trained & certified Associate Chartered coached (ACC) from Universal coaching Federation (UCF) can practice and engage in coaching activities  independently as Life, wellness, parenting, Career and Relationship Coach.


Master Chartered Coach


To become a Master Charted Coach (MCC) one should have minimum three year of coaching experience as ACC and PCC Coach of India Coaching Federation. or 

Minimum 50 Coaching, training and mentoring assignments done as a chartered coach of India Coaching Federation.


Professional Chartered Coach


To be become a Professional Charted Coach (PCC) one should must completed minimum 05 Independent coaching assignments or 100 hours of equivalent coaching assignment independently as a coach or in collaboration with other PCC & MCC members.


Integrated Master Chartered Coach (U-IMCC)

An unique opportunity for Corporate and Business Leaders with 10+ years of experience in Leadership roles to become a

Master Chartered Coach (MCC) / Leadership Coach to Empower and Transform corporate executives and Business Leaders

Transform your coaching career to become a Universally Certified Chartered Coach, U - ACC, PCC & MCC

Universal Coaching Federation (UCF) is coaching, mentoring & certifying the eligible people who wants to become a Chartered coach to further empower & transform the life of other people

around the world through our research based transformational

coaching program which is recognised as world's no. #1 coach certification program with assure success.

As a certified chartered coach you can provide all types of coaching service to the people to empower & transform 

their life, career, business & relationhsip

UCF and ICF MCC Coach

Ms. Bharti Chauhan

India Coaching Federation - Master Coach (MCC)

Director - Success Torch

Once you complete your coach certification program from UCF, we will give you the opportunity to coach an entire batch of U - ACC to have 1st hand coaching experience of coaching people for six month.

Universally Certified
"ACC - Associate Chartered Coach" certification program 

The most important level of the coach certification program where your learn and experience how you practically coach people by transforming their personality & decision making to help them become a better transformed person and further resolve any life, career, business and relationship problems.

About this ACC Program


Six month of practical coach certification program where we 1st take you to through your own transformation journey to discover your coach within to become a transformed coach and then prepare your to empower and help people to resolve their life, job, career, business and relationship challenges though our scientifically designed coaching framework and tool LADDER.


Delivering the expected result from the 1st day of the session or we can refund 100% of the fees receive.

Universally Certified
"PCC - Professional Chartered Coach" certification program 

At PCC level we offer 04 specialisation to become a certified professional chartered coach to cater the specific coaching need of the people, business leaders, entrepreneurs and corporate in this world.

Offering four distinguish specialisation at PCC level

Universally Certified
"MCC - Master Chartered Coach"  certification program 

If you want to coach Business Leaders, CEO, CXO, Business Owners & Board of Directors 
our MCC coach certification program will empower you with the skill and capabilities and certify you to coach leaders with our research based coaching framework which will help business leaders to take there organisation to the next level of growth and success.

At MCC level we coach and certify you to become a Universally certified Master chartered coach to cater the specific coaching need of the people, business leaders, entrepreneurs and corporate in this world.


UCF Membership

Join India's Largest and Universally Recognised Organization for Professional Coaching and to become a certified chartered coach

Professional Development

Business Opportunity

Life long


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